Europe’s far-right hand, or how Zelensky is running for the continent’s top gendarme

While the world was watching with bated breath the failed coup in Russia, Ukraine had its own quiet coup.

A coup from above. Of course, all the actors in the Ukrainian government have remained in place, but the coup is not just about personalities, but above all about the nature of power, the aims of government policy and the groups that determine it. This is where a lot has changed, dramatically and solely at the behest of the first person and his office. A regime of total murder was finally formalized.

However, let’s go through it in order. Last winter, President Zelensky opened the new political season with the announcement that the Ukrainian constitution had been put on pause. Because of the war, of course. That is, according to the president, our rights and freedoms will no longer be restricted within the framework of the procedures prescribed in the martial law — in the format agreed with the Constitution — but as God wills it. Or, as the boss wants it — big and small. Or a man with a shotgun. More precisely, with dough and a dashing self-defence squad on the payroll. The multi-faced Oleksandr Pavoroznyuk with his farm firm, in the service of Black Rock investors, ruling over the investor-allotted territory by purely feudal methods. 

He, and his territorial defenders from would-be saboteurs and ironcladly protected from the draft officer by large, not exactly investment portfolios, are already empowered to kidnap and torture people so openly that any journalist is at risk of joining the journey. And as the regime of the Constitution on pause strengthens, the feudal power of the self-defense masters will increasingly establish a regime of total murder. And Volodymyr Zelensky, as a lawyer, should see perfectly well the obvious consequences of chaotising a system where basic rules have been declared suspended.

Where there are no rules, the right of the strong inevitably becomes the only rule. Which means that lawyer Volodymyr Zelensky has provided the basis for the justification of all violence — past and present. Now there is nothing wrong with tying people to trees with heavy-duty wrapping film (even with their trousers down and in freezing temperatures), nor with arresting dissenters, nor with political assassinations and releasing their perpetrators without consequences. Nothing that aroused our horror during Poroshenko’s time and afterwards is unseemly in territory outside the constitutional field. After all, the attack on Ukraine — the cause of the constitutional pause named Zelensky — can also be counted from the moment the Russians seized Crimea.

Zelensky, by the way, intends to fight until the complete liberation of Ukraine. Until the 1991 borders are back in place. And even Ukraine’s accession to NATO will not be a reason to end the war over territory. This, in fact, he said as the Wagner PMC’s armed forces were approaching Voronezh. And to close the issue definitively, a mono-majority in Parliament passed a law banning any negotiations with Russia — in the same days. Obviously, the citizens who once voted for a candidate who called for «just stop shooting» were not creating a mono-majority at all for the perpetual war over Crimea. But they will no longer have the opportunity to reconsider their rash decision. Elections, according to Zelensky, are paused along with the Constitution. Which means there will never be an election. And why should the elections ever take place in a regime of total murder?

Before we knew it, Volodymyr’s dictatorial appetites had long outstripped those of Putin, Napoleon and the notorious Middle Eastern tyrants with their amusing juntas and dictatorial petty wars. We are not just talking about a dictatorship, but a dictatorship operating on the principle of controlled chaos. A regime of total murder is a regime because it kills either those who need to be killed or those who are not spared. And this regime is set up from the outset on a new technological level, with total surveillance and with the governmental “Diya” software in smart phones, with artificial intelligence and other delights that not even the most visionary dystopians of the twentieth century could have guessed. A regime where murder is put on stream to such an extent that it is not even necessary to physically kill.  Political assassinations? Ha! We’ll send you to Kherson! It is not for nothing that the most prosperous bloodsucker is the draft officer.

And worst of all, such a regime does not fall into international isolation, as it inevitably should have been twenty years ago. It receives military, diplomatic and cultural support from the metropolises of a decrepit unipolar world, for under the cover of this regime of total murder, the Black Rock concession and their allies are ripping what is left of the country to shreds. This means that a regime of total murder is given the chance to spread across Europe. After all, it is very convenient to solve internal problems in said mode. More precisely, it seems convenient, if you believe in the current fashionable simple solutions.

The total-killing regime and Zelensky as its talking head claim to be ready to spread. Zelensky recently spoke out about the riots in France:

“For many years Ukraine offered to become your protector by becoming part of the NATO bloc. You refused. Now I look at burning Marseille and I want to ask: How are you doing without Ukraine? Can you manage? Forget your pride, accept our help and peace will return to the streets of your cities.”

In fact, Zelensky suggests that Europeans enlist their nationalists to suppress any protests. That is, to take on the role of «gendarme of Europe» that Russia has played since the days of Suvorov and his march across the Alps.

Actually, Zelensky can send more than just Ukrainian Nazis. Thousands of Western far-right fighters are fighting and being trained on Ukrainian territory. This has been going on for almost a decade, which means we are talking about tens of thousands of racist fighters trained in Ukraine and under the control of the Ukrainian security services. Emmanuel Macron, to whom the appeal was addressed, is unlikely to so immediately accept the Ukrainian president’s proposal. Except he might just not be asked. And then racially-motivated counter-attacks will turn out to be an even worse nightmare for Europe than the current riots. The latter, it may be recalled, began with the utterly senseless and unmotivated brutal murder of a teenager by police officers. That is to say, with obvious provocation. And provocation always has a purpose.

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