The court has sentenced Yaroslav Tarasenko, ex-Chairman of the “Right Sector” (“Pravy Sector”) cell in Pavlograd, to 12 years in prison for conspiracy to commit murder of Denis Voronenkov, a fugitive deputy of the State Duma of Russia. The whole story is altogether murky regarding both the killers and the victim. Alas, the verdict did not shed a light on either client with the motive or the reasons to kill. Moreover, for some reason, the local media labeled the only convict in this case as a leader of all the “Right Sector” activists.
Nevertheless, the whole story of this murder is full of flamboyant characters, while the most colorful personality being the victim himself. When we think of a “deputy of the State Duma of Russia”, we picture a solid man, an ex-businessman, or an ex-law enforcement officer, or a worker of culture, or even an apparatchik with a long career, because it is the Russian Parliament we speak about, not to be confused with the Ukrainian institution mostly akin to a circus invaded by Nazis, servants, and churchy Orthodox Christians named after Rabinowitz. Yet, truth be told, not all is good on the Russian soil as it may seem.
Now, Denis Voronenkov, please give him a warm welcome! Ex-deputy from the Communist Party of Russia, a husband of an opera singer and deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the “United Russia” Party. He had to flee the country as he had been accused of arranging illegal takeover of businesses and property. Denis Voronenkov was also targeted in the investigation of blackmailing offenses, namely, it was about a criminal group – a dealer in one of the Moscow’s night clubs was selling drugs to a cash-flush client. Then, false case officers and a senior investigator in the role of FSB officer would appear on scene. Denis Voronenkov was the one to play that role. The issue would be settled on the spot for a couple of tens of thousand dollars, and, hey, this is Moscow – the deep pockets got enough of dough there.
However, if somebody feels like saying that, nowadays a communist is not the same, and the “United Russia” is just the CPSU of today, and the communists are just a bunch of misfits, here comes part two and part three of the Voronenkov family story. In particular, the story of Voronenkov’s spouse – Maksakova, an opera singer, being, at the first glance, an ideal member of the society: a worker of culture, a daughter of the silver screen star, a granddaughter of an opera singer. Everything is nice and neat except for a quasi-criminal husband from the opposition party (well, nobody’s perfect, right?). And, anyway, she did not return to Russia after the death of her husband.
But all this is just, so to say, the tip of an iceberg. All the rest is a total CSI stuff with the elements of a spy thriller. For starters, the full family name of Maksakova is Maksakova-Igenbergs. Born in Germany and by blood and birth she has a dual citizenship. Her father – Anders Igenbergs – a Praguer, is a descendant of the Baltic Germans. I don’t know what was that an opera diva with the German passport enjoyed about the Russian petty crooks, yet, Voronenkov was far from the first in the list of her sweethearts she had shared her bed with. Thus, her ex civil husband and the father of her two kids – Vladimir Tyurin was a made man nicknamed “Tyurick”, who had gotten made personally by Grandfather Hasan, a kingpin of the “Brother Circle”, a post-soviet crime gang in Spain, yes, THAT Spain the residents of which are Pyotr Poroshenko and Arsen Avakov, and even Anatoly Sharij, the blogger.

But the story is just getting better. In 2015 Denis Voronenkov stated, that the grandmother of Maria Maksakova (also an opera singer, and also a Maria Maksakova) had been Stalin’s mistress for many years, therefore, there was a good chance, that his granddaughter was illegitimate female child of Josef Stalin, and their future offspring would be a descendant of the “Father of Nations”. Later on Maksakova appeared in the Let ‘em speak TV show, where she gave her biomaterial for the genetic test. The genetic research involved Selim Benasaad, great-grandson of the Soviet leader, and Yuri Davidov, descendant of Stalin, also recognized as such by the DNA test. The test results were aired only in 2020 and turned out dubious. Maria Maksakova was 95% not related to Davidiov, however, she appeared to have a 56% probability of being related to Benasaad, yet, no Georgian blood was detected in her sample. How’s that even possible is a mystery. However, all the controversy over this family has been an enigma with the elements of a criminally flavored hoax.
So, the trial of Voronenkov is over. The killer Pavel Pershov (the Donbass battalion volunteer) was killed on the spot by a bodyguard of Voronenkov. Alexander Los, who had been keeping watch over the Russian fugitive deputy was given the benefit of the doubt. The only convict is Tarasenko, a member of the “Right Sector” who drove the killer to the murder scene. He was also found guilty of plotting the crime, and, probably to a greater solidity, the media called the chairman of the Pavlograd cell of the “Right Sector” as the leader of all the “Right Sector” activists in the country. Since the organizer of murder had to be a solid man – a plotter, according to the DA office, was allegedly a made man Tyirick. But we’re not sure. The thing is that the Voronenkov case has been built by the prosecutors, when the Prosecutor General was Yuri Lutsenko. And the masterful skill of Yuri to pound a square peg into a round hole and imitate the most crazy criminal cases is really a common knowledge.