Anthropophagy for hype, or how we’re being prepared for a great famine

It is not a fact, however, that he really ate human meat from the bone, as it is not a fact that it was specifically Russian soldier’s meat and not the Ukrainian’s. I’m not much of an expert in the burned tanks, so, just based on the picture in this video, I can’t conclude on the tank’s origin or the nationality of human bone found in the melted tank metal, or was it just brought from the market. But if the blogger truly believed that it was a bone of the Russian, then at the level of consequences any reflection would be in vain.

Professor Fargo, the Ukrainian blogger, ate a small body part of the perished Russian soldier. Ate it proudly as he became the first human to try the Russian meat, not very fresh, though. Found it in a burned tank, boiled it, grilled it, and, strictly to the blogger’s code, all to the camera. “Now I’m officially a cannibal”, the influencer sums it up proudly, anticipating a pillow fight and hype. And really, how the one can’t become a cannibal, when it was back in 2014 you’ve been promised a large estate in Donetsk county and the two slaves coming with it?

It is not a fact, however, that he really ate human meat from the bone, as it is not a fact that it was specifically Russian soldier’s meat and not the Ukrainian’s. I’m not much of an expert in the burned tanks, so, just based on the picture in this video, I can’t conclude on the tank’s origin or the nationality of human bone found in the melted tank metal, or was it just brought from the market. But if the blogger truly believed that it was a bone of the Russian, then at the level of consequences any reflection would be in vain.

However, it’s only my personal point of view. In the comments a lot of social media users from Russia and sympathizers from the Russian camp jumped to zealously defend flesh of the killed military stating that those were the remains of a Ukrainian soldier, not Russian, like it really mattered. All of that induced a flood of memes on how a Ukrainian ate a Ukrainian. Let me presume, that the ones to whom it is really important as to who exactly was eaten, are those who are definitely not without a sin, and, motivated by hatred, eager to eat the enemy, not a Russian, but a Ukrainian. And it is important to be absolutely sure that a piece of a burned flesh belongs to the enemy, and enemy only. Not a cat, and not a cow, for a change. 

Obviously, this video is not an individual madness, it’s rather a fairly state propaganda project.
Why? Elementary, my dear Watson! You think it’s so easy to simply drive to Gostomel with a camera and poke around in burned and destroyed military equipment with the human parts still inside and not pulled out yet? Of course, not! In reality, there are still a lot of land mines to remove. Moreover, collecting spoils is not quite legal, to say the least. Today in Ukraine people are tied to a post for a lesser misconduct, and look what we have here in the video – trophies, a primus, a grill, a roasted human flesh. All this is videotaped with a HQ picture and sound. Do you still believe that the vlog has nothing to do with the state propaganda in the era of a total stand-up comedy? You do? Well, okay, I don’t.  

And if you watch the video having in mind it’s a state propaganda project, it is essential to understand what was exactly the message behind this extravagant feature presentation. In this dreary song we have to ask ourselves where is the folk root music, and where is the SBU’s (Security Service of Ukraine) tune? Obviously, the first idea that comes to mind – this is intimidation. It’s like, be afraid, be very afraid – BOO! Well, in that case it would’ve been the real corpse with a face and brains all over the pavement. A feast with human loin or any other nightmare like this. Yet, what we see in this video is very modest and almost puritan, — by the way, the human flesh doesn’t smell or taste very good. A stray cat, the blogger tried to treat, turned away with disdain. 

And it turns out that it is not about nightmares, but of all the different kind of messages. About a fact that a piece of meat of the unknown origin should be boiled for a long time before it is grilled. About a fact that anything edible should be searched for in the metal rubble in a place, where yesterday there was something military involved. About a fact that very soon such knowledge and skill would come in handy for mere survival. Not for nothing the vlog appeared right after the visit of the US Defense Minister to Ukraine. The outcome of this visit was a decision to dramatically increase the volume of arms transferred to Ukraine, which means there will be no tillage, no harvest, no salaries and thus no foodstuffs. As for the salaries, in case they’re not paid, the Ukrainians were assured by Putin to cover all of it after the victory and once reparations have been received. It is now only about humanitarian supplies from abroad, controlled by the military. Therefore, we are already proposed to live off the land, while should that fail – human meat would always be on hand.

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