At the turn of the millennium, residents of Ukraine and the European part of Russia started to connect to the Internet massively, with a speed that was fast…
Preventive amnesty of Ukraine will be costly
The enemy is too nefarious, and there’s no time now to be sentimental or foolishly objective. Whatever helps Ukraine win the war becomes the truth. Or is it…
Demolition of the Crimean bridge. Useless nonsense by Ukraine’s Defense Minister
Minister of Defense of Ukraine made a statement that they would strike at the Crimean bridge with weapons to be provided by the western partners. According to Mr. Reznikov, this would somehow affect logistics of the Russian forces advancing towards Zaporozhye and Nikolayev.
Half Breed Loners
Why are Russians (and soon Ukrainians) not welcome in the West? We were recognized as a hope of emergence of a sort of the “Russians 2.0 Upgraded version”. When faced with us the West would be bitterly disappointed
Anthropophagy for hype, or how we’re being prepared for a great famine
It is not a fact, however, that he really ate human meat from the bone, as it is not a fact that it was specifically Russian soldier’s meat and not the Ukrainian’s. I’m not much of an expert in the burned tanks, so, just based on the picture in this video, I can’t conclude on the tank’s origin or the nationality of human bone found in the melted tank metal, or was it just brought from the market. But if the blogger truly believed that it was a bone of the Russian, then at the level of consequences any reflection would be in vain.